Patricia R. Dashnaw
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Services Provided by the Town Clerk include:
Any payment for fees to the Town Clerk need to be cash, check, or money order.
Checks made payable to "Ashford Town Clerk"
Credit, Debit, E-check options for water bill payments and tax bill payments are online.
In person Credit/Debit payments for clerk fees, water bill payments and tax payments can be made with an addition of a convenience fee.
Checks made payable to "Ashford Town Clerk"
Credit, Debit, E-check options for water bill payments and tax bill payments are online.
In person Credit/Debit payments for clerk fees, water bill payments and tax payments can be made with an addition of a convenience fee.
You can obtain the following at the Clerk's Office:
Dog Licenses
Dogs over 4 months old and dogs being harbored in the Town of Ashford for more than 30 days need to be licensed in the Town of Ashford. Proof of current rabies vaccination, proof of castration (if applicable), and fees are needed to license the dog. Fees are $16.50 for a non-spayed/neutered dog and $8.50 for spayed/neutered dog. Renewals will automatically be sent. Dog licenses can be purchased and renewed in person or mailed. When mailing, please be sure to include the aforementioned documentation and a phone number in case there are questions.
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses can be purchased by any New York State Town Clerk. Both parties need to be present and need to provide picture identification, divorce papers (if applicable), birth certificate, and pay $40 for the license. The license needs to be purchase no more than 60 days prior to the wedding and before 24 hours before the wedding
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
Make sure to have picture identification
Hunting & Fishing Regulation Books are available in the office as well as other publications regarding hunting, fishing, water fowl.
Hunting & Fishing Regulation Books are available in the office as well as other publications regarding hunting, fishing, water fowl.
Handicapped Parking Permits
Each person applying for a handicapped parking permit needs to have permission from the doctor to be issued the permit. The applicant needs to provide a form MV-664 signed by the doctor and the applicant. Renewals for permanent permits will not need a new form unless the form is more than 15 years old.
Permits will be issued for 5 years for permanent permits.
Permits will be issued for 5 years for permanent permits.
EZ Pass
An EZ Pass may be purchased for $25. Once registered online or by telephone, there will be $25 in tolls to be used in multiple states and it doesn’t expire. When it is registered you may register up to 4 vehicles for the EZ Pass.
FOIL Requests
Must be directed to the Town Clerk
Peddlers License
Refer to Local Law on our website
Anyone wishing to visit residents for purposes of merchandising or soliciting needs to apply for a license. The Fee is $25 to apply and Town Board has the authority to approve the issue of the license or reject the application.
Anyone wishing to visit residents for purposes of merchandising or soliciting needs to apply for a license. The Fee is $25 to apply and Town Board has the authority to approve the issue of the license or reject the application.
Games of Chance License
Refer to Local Law on our website
Any organization who is fundraising with Games of Chance needs to apply for a license.
Any organization who is fundraising with Games of Chance needs to apply for a license.
Property Tax Bills and Processing Payments
Town and County Tax Bills are due January 31 and School Taxes are due September 30. Notices are put in the Springville Journal (the Town of Ashford Official Newspaper) with specific payment information and hours of collection. A municipality is not required to send out tax bills however, the Town of Ashford does send them as a courtesy. It is up to the property owner to know when the taxes are due and seek out the amounts should the tax bill not be received. School Taxes paid in October incur a penalty and if not paid before October 31 are added to the Town and County Tax Bill. Town and County Taxes paid in February incur a 1% penalty and paid in March a 2% penalty. Delinquent notices will be sent pursuant to NYS Real Property Law and after March 15th taxes paid will incur an additional $2 fee per bill to offset the cost of mailing the delinquent notice.
Website Manager
Anyone wishing to have anything put on the website needs to contact the Town Clerk with the information and for approval. Events can be listed on the Calendar and in Announcements. Local Businesses and Contractors as well as Attractions may also be added or changed on the website as well.